Struct openssl::x509::X509Generator [] [src]

pub struct X509Generator {
    // some fields omitted

Generator of private key/certificate pairs


use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;

use openssl::crypto::hash::Type;
use openssl::x509::X509Generator;
use openssl::x509::extension::{Extension, KeyUsageOption};

let gen = X509Generator::new()
       .add_name("CN".to_owned(), "SuperMegaCorp Inc.".to_owned())

let (cert, pkey) = gen.generate().unwrap();

let cert_path = "doc_cert.pem";
let mut file = File::create(cert_path).unwrap();
assert!(cert.write_pem(&mut file).is_ok());

let pkey_path = "doc_key.pem";
let mut file = File::create(pkey_path).unwrap();
assert!(pkey.write_pem(&mut file).is_ok());


impl X509Generator

Creates a new generator with the following defaults:

bit length: 1024

validity period: 365 days

CN: "rust-openssl"

hash: SHA1

Sets desired bit length

Sets certificate validity period in days since today

Add attribute to the name of the certificate


Add multiple attributes to the name of the certificate


Add an extension to a certificate

If the extension already exists, it will be replaced.

use openssl::x509::extension::Extension::*;
use openssl::x509::extension::KeyUsageOption::*;

generator.add_extension(KeyUsage(vec![DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment]));

Add multiple extensions to a certificate

If any of the extensions already exist, they will be replaced.

use openssl::x509::extension::Extension::*;
use openssl::x509::extension::KeyUsageOption::*;

generator.add_extensions(vec![KeyUsage(vec![DigitalSignature, KeyEncipherment])]);

Generates a private key and a self-signed certificate and returns them

Sets the certificate public-key, then self-sign and return it Note: That the bit-length of the private key is used (set_bitlength is ignored)

Obtain a certificate signing request (CSR)